The cemetery sections are not marked in real life. To help you find a stone, I’ve created a map that shows the corner stones of sections. Click on each marker to see a photo of the stone at that location. Download a PDF version for offline viewing.
Section P - Warren Weaver
Section P - William Moore
Section R - Wilfred Morris
Section S - Erwin Knowlton
Section A - Earl Corbin
Section B - Melza Webster
Section D - Walter Barteaux
Section E - Stephen Fraser
Section D - William Knowlton
Section E - James Morris
Section H - Austin Smith
Section G - Arthur McWhirter
Section H - Morris Elderkin
Section J - Kanis Hirtle
Section K - Clinton Winters
Section J - Mary Spicer
Section K - Leo Corbin
Section M - Silas Knowlton
Section N - Millard Fillmore
Section M - Almira Spicer
Section M - Hubert Spicer
Section N - Leslie Spicer
Section G - Charles Cole